22 Weeks!

How far along? 22 Weeks

My babies are the size of: Spaghetti Squash
Net weight gain: A solid 5

Maternity clothes: You betcha! I love it!
Sleep: Guys, how do I make my hips stop hurting? I can deal with the peeing, but these hips – I can HEAR them grinding!!

Best Moment this week: Started the nursery, finishing it this weekend!!!!

Miss Anything: Beer!

Movement: Every day, I love every second of it.

Food Cravings: My friend Lisa made a pizza cookie (giant sugar cookie, cream cheese frosting, pineapple and cherries) it was fantastic, I’ve been dreaming of it since!

Anything making you queasy or sick: I’m feeling good!

Gender:  B&G

Labor Signs: I’ve been having Braxton hicks (not very often) not sure if that is a labor sign, but my docs don’t seem worried. I feel pressure, then feel my tummy and its rock hard for a minute and then goes back to squishy with hard spots where the babies are!

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am on cloud 9

Weekly Wisdom: Be happy!
Looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery this weekend!

HAPPY 22 WEEKS!! I am in a spectacular mood right now, we saw our perfect babies yesterday and they were doing amazing. Elliott, our little chunk, is already 1lb 2oz and Harper our dainty princess is an even 1lb. Each ultra sound gives me a level of excitement I can’t even put into words, our babies ARE COMING! They are healthy, and growing, and beautiful. The tech focused on all of their little organs this past ultra sound, specifically their hearts and they sound spectacular. I got to see their little kidneys and they’re the cutest kidneys I’ve ever seen in my life!! Elliott was a total ham, and was giving us shot after shot of his perfect face, Harper on the other hand, not so much! We got maybe 1 or 2 good shots of her. Our doctor came in and said she was more than happy about their progress and that they’re growing VERY well and that even though 24 weeks is considered viable, after they hit 1 pound they immediately have a chance of survival outside of the womb and the number only grows with time. I talked with her about our baby moon and how we are going to be in Disneyland for a day. She said to set my next appointment right before and they will check my cervix to make sure it is still 100% closed and long, and recommended that I use a wheel chair 90% of the time while we are there. I’m not excited about being in a wheel chair the entire time, BUT safety comes first and it is worth it to be with my amazing wife and great friends in Disneyland. I do feel bad for poor Devan – she gets to wheel around 200lbs of my glorious ass! But again, SO WORTH IT! We are HUGE Disney fans and when an opportunity to go with our favorite Disney buddies comes up we can’t say no to it! It really is perfect because Disneyland is EXPENSIVE and really not worth it to spend 150$ per ticket when I can only do so much, so instead we are joining them for the Halloween Party which gives us access to the entire park but the ticket is only $50!! Here are some pictures from the appointment: (Top 3 are Harper, all of the rest Elliott, the show off!)

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Aren’t they cute? I’m am SO EXCITED FOR THE NURSERY PLANNING!! We are doing a woodland theme, and Devan’s mom has already been ordering decals for the nursery! We have a clear picture in our head about how we want everything to look and I’m so excited we are actually starting the process!! We will be replacing baseboards & painting this weekend. Here is a lovely before picture of the nursery & some paint samples we have looked at so far, no decisions have been made yet. You also get a shot of our friend Michael, this was last night at like 9pm – him and Devan were up pretty late starting the process, its nice to have friends that will help you with the hard work, thanks Michael!


In the next few weeks we will be getting all of the flooring in our home replaced so there will be brand new carpet in there for the babies!

What is better than nursery planning? BABY SHOWER PLANNING!! Devan and I have been doing a lot of planning and have a place locked in. The place we checked out last week ended up not working out but we were able to find another community that I manage that has an EVEN better clubhouse. The space is beautiful…and we can serve alcohol. Mimosas anyone? The space will fit 200 guests, 100 indoors and 100 outdoors, the indoor/outdoor space have a lovely open concept so everyone will feel a nice flow — and the weather in late October is pretty nice in Arizona, 80 degrees maybe. It will be a great day.

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Lots of exciting things ahead, it will help the time fly by so that we can be in November/December and meet our beautiful babies. The day can’t come soon enough. I am feeling overwhelmed with happiness, my life is without complaint right now. I have a wonderful wife, two beautiful children on the way, great friends, great family and Devan and I are both working in jobs we are happy with. Life couldn’t get any better.

I almost forgot, 22 week belly shot!


Happy Friday, and enjoy your holiday weekend everyone!!!

❤ Ashley

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 Weeks

My babies are the size of: Carrot
Net weight gain: Still lingering in the 3-5lb weight gain, I fluctuate between the two.

Maternity clothes: Yes, and my wonderful friend Lisa saw a sale at Old Navy last week and not only bought me a pair of pants & two shirts (FOR UNDER 10$) but sent me over there and I was able to get 4 more shirts!
Sleep: Between peeing & the hips and just trying to get comfortable I’m not sleeping as well as I would like. I usually get a good solid 1-2 hours before I wake up and am up for 15-20 minutes peeing and trying to get comfortable again. Sometimes I just can’t fall back asleep and I’m up for over an hour, those are the worst nights.
Best Moment this week: Finding our baby shower venue!

Miss Anything: Beer!

Movement: I feel them every day, but I want them to move more haha!

Food Cravings: Nothing really this week…

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just having an empty stomach!

Gender:  B&G

Labor Signs: None, thank goodness, far too early for all that!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Definitely happy

Weekly Wisdom: Be happy with your pregnancy no matter where you are. The first trimester is terrifying but enjoy every second of it.
Looking forward to: Next scan on 9/5/14, planning the baby shower!

Happy Thursday Everyone! We’ve had a pretty busy week trying to figure out what to do for our baby shower and we finally found a place!! I work for a company that managers homeowners associations and one of the properties we manage has a BEAUTIFUL club house that they typically only rent out to homeowners. I e-mailed the community manager there and asked if they would make an exception since we work together and she said YES! Here is the clubhouse, how pretty is that?

 Devan and I are going to check it out today after work and if all goes well we are definitely going to do it there!! I am getting so excited to start planning, I really want to do a whale theme, but we haven’t decided on a theme yet. We are doing a woodland theme for our nursery so Devan suggested that we do that for the theme but I want to do something different!

Next Sunday our friend Michael will be visiting from Utah and he is helping us start the Nursery makeover! We are going to paint and get it started for these little lovelies; I am stoked to start getting everything ready for them! I cannot wait until they’re here, I just want to snuggle them in my arms!!

Today is sort of a weird day, a year ago I got inseminated and it was the cycle we got pregnant with Rohen. That damn time hop app is going to be rough going forward, lots of Rohen pictures coming up. I’m happy to be pregnant with our twins, but I miss him so much, I wish I could have all three of them.

Oh, I almost forgot, Arizona still sucks. I spoke with that lawyer I had a meeting with, and I’m glad I changed the appointment to be over the phone because she not only sounded like she had no idea what the hell she was talking about, but it turned out she had no idea what the hell she was talking about haha. She told us that we could use a loophole in the state of California. Apparently you don’t have to be a resident of California to adopt there, so she made it seem like Devan and I could go through the court systems in California, adopt the twins and then Arizona has to recognize it. WRONG. She was half right, we don’t have to be residents of California to adopt, but the child would then need to reside or be born in California for it to work. So, basically I’d need to change OB’s, schedule a C-Section and have the twins in California for it to work, or move there. What a crock of shit, Devan is my wife, and she is their Mom why is it so hard for the state of Arizona to get that through their head! We had a glimmer of hope after talking to her and our dreams were crushed as soon as I talked to an attorney in California. Hopefully the lawsuit pending here gets to court quick; I really want that chapter to be over. It seems like everywhere I look people are making racist or just purely ignorant comments. The Ferguson situation is all over the place, people are getting crazy about it and of course race is at play in a situation like this – it’s funny because you start to see people for their true colors, just a little FYI folks, if you are racist you can get the hell out of my life because I don’t have time in my life for narrow minded morons. Don’t even get me started on the ignorant comments Michelle Duggar made about the transgender community, that shit fires me up, I am just completely intolerant to intolerance. Moving on though, Devan starts school on Monday, should be exciting for her! One semester closer to being a nurse and my sugar mama!

 That is all I have for this week, and of course a belly shot for you all! PS – That is one of the shirts Lisa got me! Super cute!


Have a good rest of the week everyone!

Ashley ❤

Arizona sucks!

Devan and I live in the lovely state of Arizona…back in 2008 a proposition was passed that made it so marriage was defined in the Arizona state constitution  that it can only be between a man and a woman, therefore making it impossible for same sex couples to marry. Many states passed similar laws, got sued, and have since been ruled unconstitutional, therefore making same sex marriage legal. We have a similar lawsuit pending here but until it goes to court and is overturned for being unconstitutional Devan will have NO rights to Elliott and Harper. I’m talking NO rights, as many rights as you would have to them – that is what she will have. Devan and I are legally married, we went to New Mexico and on January 23rd 2014 we made our relationships legit, only Arizona doesn’t think so. DOMA makes it so that we are recognized federally, so that is nice, we can file our federal taxes together but as far as the stuff that really matters she may as well be a complete stranger.  I’ve been doing research and found a law firm that specializes in same sex second parent adoption. I called them on Friday and the attorney immediately told me to come in for a free consultation so we are going today at 4pm. I really don’t know what to think…while Arizona doesn’t have any law prohibiting same sex second parent adoption it is not something that I have even heard of, and I have friends – two men that have a little girl and they haven’t been successful as of yet. Their situation is a lot different than ours, as there is no second parent to relinquish rights from (SO glad we used an anonymous donor, it was worth the thousands of dollars we paid)…I’m on the edge of my seat, I just want Devan to be able to be on the birth certificate and have the same rights I do to our kids. It’s unfair to me that we even have to see an attorney about this, I never have and never will understand why people care what homosexuals do behind closed doors, it doesn’t make any sense to me. The way I see it, if you are against it for whatever reason – usually religious conviction – then don’t do it, seems like an easier answer then preventing those who don’t follow the same convictions as you from doing something simply because you don’t believe it is right. If you think about other situations where a person could potentially be against something due to religious convictions…such as divorce for example, it would be absurd to think of passing a law prohibiting it – yet for marriage it happens all the time.  I just want people to leave us alone, let us live our lives and be a family. I don’t think people realizes how hurtful it is to homosexuals to live in a world like today, granted we’ve made A LOT of progress, but we still aren’t there yet. I have only experienced persecution (to my face) one time and it was really minor. Devan and I were in Disneyland chatting away with a woman and her kids and having a great time waiting for the fireworks to start. We had been talking for at least 15 minutes when it came up that Devan and I were a couple. The woman immediately turned around and just stopped talking to us – and that was it. It hurt our feelings, absolutely, but I suppose she could have been a lot meaner about it – does it matter either way? I’m just scared, I’m scared for my twins, and the fact that they’re being born into a world full of so much hate. I’m getting off track here, I am just very passionate about this situation and just want everyone to love one another. I cannot wait for the day that Devan and I can say we are legally married in Arizona, in ALL states – I know it will happen in our lifetime and that makes me very excited, I am just sick of waiting! I wish people could see into mine and Devan’s heart. I feel like if they knew how much we loved each other they wouldn’t question us. They couldn’t, our love is raw, pure and real. She is my heart – and we both love our babies more than anything in this world.  Please keep us in your thoughts today as we go meet with the attorney. I will update everyone once we have met with her and let you all know what she said. Crossing my fingers and toes that she can help us!

Sometimes you have to go back and re-read

I am a re-reader. I will post something and read it 10 times that day to reflect on what I said, check for errors and think of anything I missed. I re-read Devan’s post that she wrote the day before we found out I was pregnant with the twins. It is her tribute to Rohen, her perspective on what happened that dark day in December.

She put our story into words so beautifully and eloquently. She is so talented, and in light of some of our blogging buddies hurting right now, I figured we could all re-visit this story and hopefully show that we are here with you guys – even though we are now expecting, we’ve been there, we’ve been in the darkness just waiting for the light.

I can’t begin to explain how therapeutic I have found blogging to be and how you have all become a little family to me. I check WordPress at least 5 times a day to read your updates and my heart aches when your heart aches, and feels joy when you feel joy. Just remember, the sun must set to rise, your sunrise is coming.

I just wanted to re-share the story of losing Rohen:

Struck Dumb

❤ Ashley

20 Weeks!!!!!

How far along? 20 Weeks

My babies are the size of: Banana!!!
Net weight gain: Still lingering in the 3-5lb weight gain, I fluctuate between the two.

Maternity clothes: Yes
Sleep: Still peeing every hour (I’m not sure that is going to get better haha) and hips hurt but as long as I am not waking up for 2-3 hours unable to fall back asleep I’m happy – unfortunately this happens 1x a week or so.
Best Moment this week: Feeling them move so much, both Devan and our friend Kaitlyn got to feel them move yesterday!

Miss Anything?: Beer!

Movement: It is the best thing in the world,  I wish they moved all day long!

Food Cravings: I just want it all, tonight I’m having a roast, potatoes, corn & biscuits for dinner and I’m already drooling over it.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just having an empty stomach!

Gender:  B&G

Labor Signs: None, thank goodness, far too early for all that!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, unless I’m hungry and then I’m hangry as Devan calls it.

Weekly Wisdom: You don’t choose your relatives, but you choose your family. Surround yourself with people that uplift you and bring you joy!
Looking forward to: Next scan on 9/5/14

Guys, I’m 20 weeks today and that means I am officially more pregnant than I ever have been. Rohen died when he was *supposed* to be 20w2d but the doctors said he was likely gone a week before then. As I type this these little bugs are kicking away reminding me that they’re here and healthy. It is the best thing a mommy could ever feel.

This week has been rough, mostly in my personal life. I haven’t shared much about my personal life on here to spare my family but at this point I’m not really talking to them anymore, and they don’t have access to this blog so not sure what it would hurt, and I can have a chance to vent. I’m not going to go into details on anything because I would be writing all day – the gist of it is this – I’m surrounded by people who don’t treat their kids the way they deserve to be treated. My oldest sister has two boys, 15 & 4 – for 2 years Devan and I cared for the 15 year old who was in CPS custody. We got licensed as foster parents and at the ages of 22 & 23 we took on the task of raising a then 13 year old boy. It doesn’t sound too hard until you mention that this 13 year old was in a gang, doing drugs, having sex, popping pills, failing school and had a huge attitude problem. It was Thanksgiving of 2011 when I picked him up from his dad’s house and asked “do you want to come stay with me?” and my life changed in that moment. Those two years tested mine and Devan’s relationship to the MAX, if we got through that we can get through ANYTHING. We had the cops at our house almost weekly, countless school meetings – he changed schools three times in those two years due to being kicked out, counseling sessions – basically we lived and breathed this kid for two years. For two years we devoted everything we had to him (all while still being in the “kid” stage ourselves, this wasn’t like pregnancy this happened overnight and we were not expecting it) It was very discouraging because no matter how hard we tried he would still continue the bad behavior, it truly broke my heart because I just wanted this CHILD to be able to be an innocent child for the few years he had left, but it was already over for him. As we cared for him, we also cared for my sister. We’d receive daily phone calls with her sobbing because she just “couldn’t quit drinking” – CPS told her numerous times what she needed to do in order to quit and she didn’t participate in any of it. 7 months almost to the day after we got Nicolas we started TTC with our RE – we figured if we could handle my nephew, we could easily handle a newborn. My nephew became a chronic runaway and would be gone for weeks at a time – the only contact we’d have from him was random phone calls from throw away phones simply letting us know he was still alive. He failed 7th grade twice and was going down a terrible path. The last time he ran away he got put in jail and stayed in jail for 2-3 months until they found him a locked group home. This was about a year ago; he just got out on 8/1/14. Once he was no longer in our home we told CPS that we were not taking him back again. We just found out I was expecting Rohen and knew that we couldn’t let our children live in an unstable environment like this. I told my sister she needs to get her shit together for her kids because I wasn’t cleaning up her mess anymore. She finally started participating and was doing a great job. We were all so impressed and proud of her! It looked like my nephew was going to be able to come home with her and that everything could go back to normal, or at least a new normal. About a month and a half ago she finished her alcohol classes and had been sober for about 7 months – she got a call from CPS asking that she continues taking classes and lost it. Here’s the thing – I get it, you’ve been working hard for 7 months and you thought you were done, but you’re not – it’s frustrating. Her response? Quit everything. She stopped taking her drug tests, going to classes, she missed his court dates and as of yesterday missed his appointment where they do a check in with everyone and make sure all is well. She moved in with a guy that she started dating a week or two prior and her life is all about her and this guy now because she is “finally happy” – I suppose even if it is at the expense of your children your happiness is all that matters? I heard through the grapevine that she has been taking her drug tests again but that is all I know. I had some words with her the day after my birthday because she neglected to even tell me Happy Birthday – something out of the ordinary for us. I let her know how I really felt for the first time in the past two years. When I was talking to her I kept thinking about Rohen, and about all of you. About how we would give ANYTHING just to be mothers and once we were given the honor every single breath we took would be for our children. I said this to her, I said I don’t understand how you can have two healthy boys and just not give a shit when I would do anything just to have one day with Rohen alive; to be able to hold him while his heart is beating. Needless to say we haven’t done much talking, I removed her from all my social networking sites (I know, it’s a serious blow lol) and I haven’t called or texted her since – I plan on staying strong until she is there for her kids. I refuse to watch my family members treat their children like vermin.

It’s all around me – my other sister has twin girls – they are about to be 5 in September. She has always had a rocky back and forth relationship with their dad and has since moved on to a new guy that lives in California and is moving there in two weeks. My sister frustrates me because she talks to my nieces like they’re garbage. She has ruined countless holidays and family functions because when she is angry, everyone knows. Let me start off by saying I have a mouth on me. I love cussing, something I will be changing very soon because while I do believe cussing around a child and AT a child are very different things I would still like to limit the amount of cussing around my children that I do. I definitely don’t want the mouth I have now around my kids. With that being said, I’ve been listening to these girls getting cussed AT for a few years now, and I just can’t do it anymore. I’m sick of people thinking it is OK to tell your kids to shut the fuck up, or get your fucking shit together, were leaving. It is NOT OK. I’m not a parent yet, but as I stated earlier I played the role of my nephews sole provider for two years and while I absolutely lost my temper with him, and probably cussed AT him a few times it wasn’t a regular thing (this doesn’t make this right, I was absolutely wrong, and I felt awful about it and worked harder the next time to keep my temper in control). I guess my point is this; there is a difference between losing your temper SOMETIMES and losing your temper ALL the time. If you find yourself yelling at your children like this on a daily basis you need to re-evaluate how you are parenting and ask for some help – it doesn’t make you weak it makes you strong. We are all human and all of us make mistakes, if you are willing to admit it and fix it – then you are awesome for doing that! So with that all being said, my other sister and I got into on Tuesday afternoon. I was trying to set something up with her to see my nieces before she moved and she didn’t want me to have them all day for a BBQ just a quick goodbye – I should have kept my mouth shut and left it at that but it irritated me that she wasn’t letting us spend quality time with them so I kept pushing. She then said we couldn’t see them at all and I lost it. I told her that she doesn’t deserve to be called a mother because she treats her girls like garbage and takes them for granted. After saying a few things about how Karma is going to “get me” she said this:


Needless to say, I spent the rest of Tuesday curled in a ball sobbing because really who the fuck says that to someone? I came to realize that she meant Karma is going to get the TWINS not me, and that really got to me. She was implying that these babies are going to die too – something you all know and empathize with as being our BIGGEST FEAR. After you’ve lost a child, you know your next isn’t guaranteed ever, and anything can happen at any moment – it stuck with me. I still can’t shake it, because I love the twins so much already, I feel them inside of me, and I dream of them. They’re already my children, and I couldn’t bear to lose them. I failed to mention in the midst of all this she is converting to Mormonism. She is being baptized soon and “devoting her life to Christ” to better herself. Even as a non-spiritual person I was in support of this so long as it benefited my nieces – if being Mormon brings her to a peace within and helps her talk to my nieces in a better way, sign her up and quick! I just hope she realizes that saying that type of thing to me is definitely not Christ like, not to mention the fact that the week before she told my brother to go kill himself and that my mother should have aborted him – this was after he too called her out for the way she talks to the girls after witnessing it for the 100th time. So as you can see, it’s a hot mess. I made many mistakes myself throughout all of this, including waiting so long to speak up for my nieces and losing my temper myself but I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t read your TTC blogs all day and know my own story and then watch the abuse. It makes me sick.

Like I said above, you can’t choose your relatives but you can choose your family – I’m happy to say that we have a pretty awesome family. Last night we spent a few hours with our friend Lisa and her daughter who is almost 20, Kaitlyn. We ate some delicious nachos and watched a show called “Skin Wars” about painting bodies and laughed our asses out. We talked about how when the twins are here we will be there all the time and that she is going to bring out all her old toys for them to play with. It makes me so happy knowing the babies are already so loved. We have our moms, my brother, Devan’s sister (and her ridiculously cute baby – and her boyfriend Jake) and other family that is spread around Arizona on Devan’s side and a whole slew of awesome friends. We are fortunate and I feel that if we cling to the positive people in our lives we will be able to give Harper & Elliott a wonderful childhood.

Here are some pictures from this week, I love seeing pictures when you guys post them so I figured I would start including some each week too!

 IMG_2155 Lennon, our bulldog she likes laying on the babiesIMG_2002

 And making super weird bulldog faces


Devan snuggling our cute nephew, Kimball – I love that kid.

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Guys, I was a weird looking kid – lets hope the babies get the donors genes, those are the pictures of him that we were given above 🙂 He sure is handsome. Love his dimple chin, Rohen had a dimple chin. I’m stoked that our twins are 100% siblings with Rohen and that we are able to continue to use the same donor.


Guys, look how beautiful Devan is, I can’t even handle it. Ow Ow!


We can end with the cat being forced to dress like a baby, because its hilarious.

Enjoy your week everyone, I am beyond excited for all the positive tests we’ve had this week and know that there will be just as many next month!

❤ Ashley

9 Things I Wish I Had Known About Infertility


Reflecting back on our two+ year journey through infertility, I can think of a lot of things I wish I would have known and been prepared for when we got started. This is a journey that never ends, even after you’re pregnant. For my friends who are still working at achieving their dreams or have experienced the trials of infertility treatments, I hope you can relate to my list of nine things I wish I would have known before we started this process.

1. You go in naive and hopeful…

E.R., George Clooney, 1994-, © NBC / Courtesy: Everett Collection

I’m talking full-blown, wide-eyed, rainbows and sunshine naive. “This will only take one or two tries, three max!” naive. “We can afford $4000, worst case scenario!” naive.  We picked the perfect donor, informed our families, planned our finances around two or three cycles and went for it! After all, we weren’t really infertile… just missing a penis. In fact, our medical records at our RE’s office list “azoospermia” as our infertility diagnosis. Even though we went in thinking positive thoughts, it only took a couple of cycles to realize we were going to have a problem.

2. …but quickly realize it’s not going to be easy.


On my first Clomid cycle, I had one follicle that only made it to 16mm. Through my other 4 cycles, my uterine lining and follicle sizes were absolutely all over the map, and I never responded well to increased dosages (up to 150mg at one point). When we switched to Ashley, her cysts turned out to be such a huge problem that she had to undergo a cystectomy to save her ovary from a hemorrhagic cyst. (Our RE was actually so excited about the success of the surgery that he gave Ashley a massive high-five after seeing that her ovary was still producing eggs at her next ultrasound.) Wading out into the uncertain waters of infertility treatments is scary, because you never know what sort of problems you will find and/or create while you’re in there. Clomid can lead to early miscarriage because of it’s effect on the quality of eggs and the uterine lining. It can also lead to a high risk of cancer, which is why our RE and many others impose a cap on how many cycles you can use it (6 for us, I’ve had 5 and Ashley has had 4.) It’s a rough balancing act, because as lesbians we don’t need the type of care that an RE usually provides. We refused all fertility testing because we didn’t want to pay for or undergo expensive and invasive procedures when we didn’t even know that we would have trouble conceiving. We decided to use Clomid because we wanted higher chances, even though there were extra risks. You really are going in blind, weighing your options and picking what is the cheapest/fastest/highest success rate/lowest risk… and no one treatment fits into all those categories.


3. You start to experience loss.


I’m not just talking about miscarriage and stillbirth here, that would be obvious. I lost my pregnancy at 5 weeks after my second IUI, and until we lost Rohen it was the saddest thing that ever happened to me. Losing Rohen was like having our hearts ripped out of our chests. I’ve written until my fingers were cramping about both of those, but the sadness I’m talking about now lies in something smaller and less conspicuous than that. It’s in every single negative pregnancy test. It’s on your first cycle when that blissful hope dies out for the first time, and it’s on the ninth cycle after you told yourself last time you weren’t going to be able to recover from another failed cycle. It’s when trying becomes almost a habit, ultrasounds and Clomid and inseminations over and over again, and still no results. Ashley barely made it through our last three inseminations, she was so sure that there was no way this would ever work. I think the saddest thing about this is that no one wants to hear about it. Depression is incredibly lonely, and it’s even lonelier when you’re grieving for something that no one else can see was even lost in the first place. During the two week wait after inseminations, you fantasize about the baby implanting and growing, dream of your due date, expect and wish for this one to be it. When that test comes back negative, it’s like it’s own little miscarriage. It really is the miscarriage of a dream. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that family and friends will recognize the magnitude of this loss, and so that pain gets internalized. The depression during and after infertility is a special kind of emptiness. An empty womb is so heavy to bear.

4. You become addicted to POAS (peeing on a stick)


And I mean addicted. I’m talking about clearing the entire shelf of 88 cent Walmart tests (First Signal, it’s like the meth of POAS addition). At one point, Ashley and I left Walmart with two entire grocery bags full of tests, probably about 10 brands. Oh sure, you’ll tell yourself you’re just going to “test out the trigger”, but it soon turns into daily testing. “IS THAT A LINE?” “LOOK AT IT THIS WAY AND SQUINT YOUR EYES IT KIND OF LOOKS LIKE A LINE!” “WAIT, LET’S LOOK AT IT IN NATURAL SUNLIGHT, THEN WE WILL BE ABLE TO TELL!” “TAKE A PICTURE OF IT, IF WE CAN SEE THE LINE IN THE PICTURE THEN WE WILL KNOW IT’S REALLY A LINE!” “IT’S 9DPIUI DO YOU THINK THERE’S STILL TIME FOR A BFP?”


You’d think that all this madness would end when you FINALLY get that BFP… nope, not at all. In fact, Ashley took pregnancy tests every single day until our first ultrasound. (Not so) funny story: On the morning of our first ultrasound, Ashley peed on a stick (her usual routine) the test came up BARELY positive, even though we had been having very distinct positives for weeks. She woke me up telling me that she was losing the baby. I called our doctor, Shane, at 7am and told him our concerns. He met us at the office early and fit us in several hours before our scheduled appointment, which was awesome because then we found out we were having the twins. Sheer terror became sheer bliss instantly! (But it’s pretty much still sheer terror because, you know… twins.)

5. Everyone starts getting pregnant and you become uncontrollably bitter towards them (no matter how hard you try not to.)



And you will feel like a horrible human being for it. Crack whore friend from high school? BABY! Perpetually drunk friend? BABY! (Still no word on that baby daddy though.) Everyone and their mother will be getting knocked up like it’s going out of style while you cry over your period. At one point during our attempts to get pregnant, our nephew’s 14 year-old ex girlfriend got pregnant. It’s not always just pregnancy, sometimes it’s just shitty parenting. It’s seeing people smoke through their pregnancies, hearing them swear at their kids or call them names… The day after my miscarriage a pregnant friend called us in tears because she was having a boy instead of a girl. Smile big, ladies… and never let them know that you’re walking the fine, blurry line between saying, “I’m so happy for you!” and hearing,”We, the jury, find the defendant…”


6. The cost becomes astronomical.


There really isn’t much to say about this, except that sperm is damn expensive. I can’t believe that people even jerk off without selling it, what a waste. We spend about $300 per vial of sperm, and each vial is good for one try. (And those are bargain prices, dude. That is like the Costco price.) Each IUI cycle costs about $1000 in fees from our RE’s office. Throw in a labor and delivery, a cystectomy and a few other complications, and these twins cost us about $25,000.


7. You start getting really awful advice from your fertile friends.


I wrote a post called 6 Questions Every Infertile Woman Answers a while back, and I think I touched on this topic pretty thoroughly. The big questions/comments: Why don’t you just adopt? If you stop trying, it will happen. Maybe God doesn’t want you to get pregnant. You should stand on your head. You want kids? Psh, take mine! You should sacrifice a goat to the waning gibbous moon on the 4th of September while dancing naked in the woods. (I may or may not have made that last one up.) The bottom line is that your well-meaning friends will be coming from all directions with advice that is pretty much irrelevant to your situation. The best advice I can give to a woman who is getting a lot of unnesscarry advice is to remember that your friends are trying to help, and sometimes sharing what worked for them is the only way they can contribute. So smile, nod, and say thanks. I’ve had the “maybe you’re not meant to get pregnant” thing tossed in my face a handful of times… in fact my sister in law told us today that losing Rohen was Mother Nature’s way of telling us that we aren’t meant to be mothers. Situations such as this may require punching on or around the face area, use your best judgement.


8 You start getting really good advice from others who have struggled to get pregnant, and you find comfort in the community.

My first line of defense was a handful of supportive friends. Then came the amazing family that we found in the staff at ACFS, our RE’s office. Our nurse, Lisa, was with us almost every step of the way. She moved to California right before the insemination that resulted in the twins, but we are still making Harper’s middle name Andersen, which is her last name. Our doctor, Shane, put up with our constant worries went out of his way to keep us positive. The office staff laughed with us, gushed over our ultrasounds with us, and comforted us when we came back into the office defeated, ready to start another cycle that we knew would probably be unsuccessful. We found forums… a place to vent our fears and ask questions that we felt too stupid or embarrassed to ask people in real life. We learned a new language from them… the language of infertility. (DP got a BFN on a FRER HPT 10DPIUI, any chance we could still get a BFP?) Finally, we found blogland. This blog started as a way to keep our friends in the loop, and as we explored the stories of others we learned that we are not alone. No matter how scared and lonely this got, other women were feeling the same emptiness, the same terror, the same joys and the same hopes. Now, I only wish that we would have connected with you all earlier… It would have brought us enormous comfort before and after losing Rohen.

9. It will all be worth it in the end.

It really, really will be. Even if we weren’t pregnant with the twins now, it would still have been worth it. We loved our children before we even started working for them. We loved the one that I lost, and we loved Rohen, and we love these twins. The love a mother can have for a child is indescribable… it’s an all-consuming love that makes you glow from the inside out. It warms you up when you start to feel the iciness of grief. Just to have loved them, even if I was never able to hold them alive, was worth everything. Infertility has an end for every woman, but the ends are so vastly different. Some of us will continue to lose, and will never carry a child. Some of us will succeed and go on to pinpoint their fertility problems and carry multiple times. Some of us will turn to surrogacy, fostering or adoption. The most important thing is that every infertile woman gains a mother’s heart as the prize for her sorrow. Loving children before they are with us grants us a graceful and tender heart. I was told when we lost Rohen that one day I would understand the purpose for him dying so soon. I am non-religious, I do not believe that his death was a part of a plan. I do, however, believe that as his mother it is up to me to give his life purpose. The purpose I have found is this: like a garden, soil must be tilled if flowers are to take root and thrive. Rohen made my spirit his garden, preparing it for a love so grand it can’t be explained with words. Had he not been there, left his mark, I don’t think I would be half the mother I know I will grow to be. However we become mothers, whether our arms remain empty or get so full that they are overflowing, our heartache will be worth it in some way or another. I can promise you that.

TTC mamas, I say this all the time… but you are in my heart, all the time. I promise you that one day this sorrow will magnify your joy. No rain, no rainbow.

❤ Devan

A Positive Anecdote <3

This has nothing to do with our TTC and pregnancy journey specifically, but it made my day and I wanted to share it with everyone.

We went to the grocery store today and I saw a woman carrying her baby in the produce section. While I was looking at avocados, I happened to glance up and saw this baby staring at me with a huge smile on her face. I smiled back and waved, and it caught her mom’s attention. “She’s been smiling at you like crazy!” she said.

I told her how adorable her daughter was, and at this point Ashley wandered over to join the conversation. We told her we were expecting twins, and she said something that I don’t hear a lot: “You will never be happier. You are so fortunate.”  I told her that I don’t hear that a lot, and how refreshing it was to hear a woman, a mother, share this joy with us. It’s so hard to hear, “PSH, GOOD LUCK!” or “Why would you do that on purpose!?” I told her how happy it made me that she was so in love with her child. She said, “We waited for her for so long, we just love her so much.” I also noticed that her husband was nearby no stroller or car set in sight to put the baby in. I told her how beautiful it was to see her holding and interacting with her baby, showing her the different fruits and vegetables, smiling and laughing with her… just engaging so eagerly. She said, “Oh, I just can’t put her down!” as she hugged her close.

Parenting is exhausting and hard, and of course we all realize that. We knew that before we started having kids. There will be days that we feel like we are going insane with fatigue, and we will feel negative and grumpy some days… But something about seeing this bright, joyful woman with her chid in her arms reminded me that no matter how many rough days we have, there will be infinitely more days of bliss.

Seeing children treated as if they are a major inconvenience in their parents’ lives is so hard. I know several sweet, bright, curious and wonderful children who just will not thrive because their parents won’t connect, play and explore with them. Ashley and I plan to practice attachment parenting, and our two biggest goals are baby wearing as much as humanly possible and having our children nurse as long as possible. We want to be with them, spending our time nurturing their sweet spirits and guiding them to become loving, compassionate spouses and parents for their own families one day.

Let’s all remember, when we are over the hump and our kids are healthy, safe and growing, to always remind our TTC sisters and other pregnant friends that there is so much happiness waiting for them on the other side. Let’s always respond to “I’m pregnant.” with “You will never be happier.” Here’s to the joy in store for all of us who are pregnant, TTC, or planning on becoming parents at some point down the road. We will want them, we will love them so.  ❤

– Devan

19 Weeks

How far along? 19 weeks

My babies are the size of: Heirloom tomatoes
Net weight gain: Lost 2lbs, so a total of 3lbs gained. Still down 7lbs pre pregnancy weight.

Maternity clothes: Yes 
Sleep: Between the peeing and the ridiculous hip pain I’ve seen better days for sleep, so worth it though.
Best Moment this week: Seeing my beautiful babies and Devan feeling Elliott move!!!

Miss Anything?: Beer, I ate some ham (cooked of course)

Movement: Yep, it’s pretty amazing.

Food Cravings: Good lord, I’m ravenous. I want ice cream, then chips, then a hamburger, then fruit, then veggies, then cereal, then ice cream again – this is all in a matter of 10 minutes lol. I just want it all guys.

Anything making you queasy or sick: An empty stomach. I will wake up in the middle of the night or when I get up in the morning and feel like I could puke everywhere. My stomach feels like an empty pit – usually chugging some water fills it up and I feel better almost instantly. At least its an easy fix!

Gender:  B&G

Labor Signs: None, thank goodness, far too early for all that!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, unless I’m hungry and then I’m hangry as Devan calls it.

Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy, even the bad! I’ve said this every week but I really mean it. You will only be pregnant for a short time, so even though your nipples hurt, your hips ache and your gaining weight you are GROWING your child (or children)…what an honor.
 Looking forward to: Hanging out with Brielle this weekend, haven’t seen that girl since we went to Cali in March (except for one other time and Devan got sick so we didn’t really get to hang out)

 Guys, we are 19 weeks and we got good news yesterday. I think our babies really will make a debut into this world and I will finally be able to start the adventure of a lifetime with the love of my life. Holy shit balls were going to have two newborns sometime in December.  

We met our OB yesterday (I know Devan already mentioned all this) but I really love her. She is so awesome, thorough and you can tell she truly loves what she does and has patient care as her number one priority. She mentioned that I will be delivering in an OR and might end up needing a C-section. I am really hoping that I don’t need one because I have a perfect image in my head of what will happen after they’re born and it doesn’t include me only seeing my baby for a few seconds and then spending 45 minutes getting sewn up before I can even hold them. I want to be breastfeeding them IMMEIDATELY after birth, I want to do delayed cord clamping, I want Devan and I to both be able to do kangaroo care with them. All this goes right out the window if we have a C-section…so guys please hope that both babies are head down, fat and healthy when they make their debut!

On another note, I’m lactating. Not a lot but on two separate occasions now I’ve looked down and there has been minimal leakage. Is it because my body is expecting these babies to come out at 20 weeks like Rohen did? Or am I just a milk machine? It is colostrum not milk, but regardless it’s here pretty early! None of my doctors seem to think anything of it, so maybe I’ll take it as a good sign that these babies will get lots of boobie milk!

I’ve been feeling guilty about posting all my happy posts, so I want to shout out to all my blogging buddies that are still currently trying to conceive. I am hoping for you daily, I am always looking for updates and think about you all more than you know. I cannot wait until you are all pregnant too, I imagine one day we will all be parenting bloggers rather than TTC bloggers ❤ It is going to happen for all of us, I know it will.

Happy Friday Eve everyone!

Ashley ❤

(Almost) 19 weeks!

Today was a great day. I was having a really hard time with our upcoming anatomy scan because this is the same scan that showed Rohen’s major abnormalities. Before today, all of our ultrasounds have shown that the babies are growing right on schedule and appear to be healthy, but there is just something that told me I couldn’t feel safe until this particular scan, 18w6d, came back normal.

We both took the day off work today which is always nice! We slept in, showered, and met our OB for the first time. I have to admit that I struggle with this… When I was TTC I knew for sure that I wanted to have a midwife-attended home birth or give birth at a birthing center. Now, with twins, our OB told us that we have the option to elect a c-section right now if we don’t even want to attempt a vaginal delivery. She reminded us that even if Ashley does decided to deliver vaginally, we will still have to deliver in the OR (bye, bye birth photographer!). Even though we have been reminded that things may not go smoothly, we are just SO happy with our OB. Dr. Bullaro just delivered my nephew and she has such an amazing sense of humor. We laughed through almost the entire appointment and she took a lot of time to go over our entire chart with us, asking everything she could about Rohen and our history. We are so happy with our decision to use her! Our last OB was an absolute nightmare, so we are so happy that we can just relax now and feel comfortable with the care we will receive.

After the OB appointment, we went to pick up a free set of scrubs that I won in a Facebook giveaway last week. This is completely unrelated to the twins, but I just got a $70 set of really nice scrubs for free and I’m damn happy about it.

Our anatomy scan was amazing. It’s crazy to see how absolutely massive Ashley’s uterus is now! She told us that Harper is laying diagonally across her belly, with her feet up higher than her bellybutton! While she was measuring Elliott’s head, we saw him move and Ashley said that she felt it. We got to see Elliott opening and closing his mouth, swallowing, practice breathing and even grabbing his little penis! (Oh god, it’s starting already, yuck!) Harper was doing some major yoga moves with her feet behind her head and we were actually able to see her reaching up and grabbing her toes! They were measuring on-track with Elliott coming in at 10oz and Harper at 9oz (they are already so much bigger than Rohen, who was 4.25oz when he was stillborn at 20 weeks)

The absolute funniest thing that happened today happened while we were trying to get a good 4D shot of Harper’s face. When the image came up, we saw that Elliott and turned around and had stuck his butt directly in her face. I could practically hear my future… “Mooooooom, Elliott is putting his butt on me!” “Knock it off!”








Elliott with his mouth open wide!


Elliott’s long legs, and he’s kneeing himself in the eye!


Harper touching her head with her toes


All four legs!


Harper’s legs and feet.


Harper’s face, Elliott’s ass. These kids, I swear…


Harper’s face resting on Elliott’s ass!

When we got home, Ashley felt some movement and I was able to put my hand there in enough time to actually feel his little thump-thump-thumps. I have made contact with the inside, and I think they have accepted me 😉

With all this excitement surrounding the anatomy scan, I have kind of been having a hard time. Rohen is so heavy on my heart, and I think it’s because this is the time in a pregnancy when things really start picking up. We were in the thick of this blissful haze when Rohen was taken from us so abruptly, and being in this haze again with the twins confuses my heart. I find myself saying his name instead of Elliott’s sometimes… I get lost in joy so often, and then I remember that two days before losing him, on Christmas, I had taken a belly picture with Ashley. We had opened and assembled a bassinet with my mom and Mikey. Ashley’s mom bought her a maternity shirt with hand and foot prints on the belly… and all of this happened while he was already gone. It haunts me… I fear for their health constantly with no relief. Recovering from loss is really about the journey, and I remind myself every day that loving Rohen is what made me a mother, even if right now I am one with empty arms. They won’t be empty for long.

I’m sure Ashley will post her 19 week update tomorrow! We are over the hump, half way there… and our adventure is just getting started!

❤ Devan